If you want to record chess moves during casual over-the-board play, the most common way is to write the moves down on a piece of paper. This is what’s done during tournaments, particularly because most technology is not allowed because it could allow cheating.
But what if you’re playing casually with friends, and want to record your moves? I was playing OTB the other day and I realized hey, I have some codey skills, I should write a web app. So I started coding a very simple, not smart, no chess board on screen, no evaluation, no move validation web page where you can input the moves with your phone face-up on the table.

It’s not very pretty, and there’s still a lot of functionality I have yet to implement, but it does allow you to save a properly formatted PGN file for later import and analysis after the game is done. I think it’s a fun project. I have it running over at this address for now, although I’m likely to update it in the near future with the new functionality. Maybe I’ll make it so you can save it directly to a Lichess study for your records, since Lichess has an open API. Anyway it was a fun little javascript project.